We disciple and equip teenage world-changers and status-quo-breakers so that they can live a life of joy and purpose for God.
We are intentional about gathering in groups for real life change to happen. We meet on Wednesday nights at 7PM at the Five Stones Church Office, all information about MDWK Service is on Instagram and Facebook. At a MDWK Service students will be encouraged and challenged by a Biblical truth and have a place to talk about their faith.
We are working to produce a great online experience for our youth who aren’t able to make it to a physical location. Check us out on our Instagram & TikTok at @fivestones_yth
We need you! All students are encouraged to serve where they feel lead to! We are also working to create a Youth Seating Section so students can connect with each other and our leaders before and after services!
If your youth is not in a community group, we would love to connect them right away.
You can email info@fivestonesfamily.com or text “YTH” to 423-523-0052 and we will connect with them right away!
Youth team members have the opportunity to serve on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings by building relationships and leading groups of middle school and high school students to help them become real with God, themselves, and others. If you’d like more information click HERE
Five Stones Youth has original messages, vlogs, fun bits, and is a great place for our youth to engage with our church and each other.