Local Outreach
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:28
You Can Make a Difference
We believe every Christian is called to make a difference in the lives of others. Learn how we participate in local outreach within our communities and how you can be involved. We exist to see people set free, transformed, and fully alive. Simple acts of personal kindness can open hearts to the love of Jesus for both those being served and those serving. The Five Stones Outreach Team is made up of Outreach Small Groups and individuals who are using their gifts and talents to glorify God by serving others.
We want every person who is passionate about helping people to find the right opportunities to effectively use their gifts to build up the body of Christ and extend the Kingdom of God.
First Saturday Serve
Our first responsibility is right here in Chattanooga, especially in our city. Through local outreach such as First Saturday Serves, we strive to reach the people of our communities.
Serve Day
Another area of focus is Serve Days. These days are used to rally the troops and touch our cities as much as possible with the love and power of Jesus.
Pop-Up Serve
We follow the heartbeat of Jesus to help the least of these. We are always looking to assist as we can and serve others as Jesus has served us.
Here is our Schedule!

Your idea could change someone's life forever.
As Five Stones continues to grow, we want to continue our mission to equip individuals and organizations around the world with practical resources and community. Thank you for your contribution and dedication to reach others with the love of Jesus!