This is Our City

Our Story

Over the past 15 years, Tom and Debra have dedicated their lives serving at Daystar Church in North Alabama in whatever capacity they could. But they felt God calling them to something more. They didn’t know all the details but were confident God was pulling them to take a bigger step of faith.  The biggest question at the time was the “when?” and the “where?” Seven years ago they were blessed with the opportunity to serve as campus pastors, supporting the church and helping it grow.

Tom and Debra continued to serve the local church and remained focused on the call of the moment when God started to stir something in their hearts. It was a dream to someday start a life-giving church. 

Beginning in 2019, God began to open the eyes and hearts of Tom and Debra to what could be. It wasn’t the timing that they were expecting but as they continued to pray and discuss with a close circle of family and personal leaders, it was becoming clear that God was up to something. So, they began to pray.

Their prayer was simple. “Where do you want us, Lord?” What do you want to do?

Following a period of prayer and fasting, Tom and Debra felt that God was preparing them for the journey of starting a life-giving church. 

They traveled across the state of Alabama waiting for God to show them the place, visiting all 67 counties! But not one town pulled at their heart. Then came Chattanooga.  In early January 2020, on a marriage vision retreat, Tom and Debra stood on the Walnut Street bridge overlooking the Tennesee River. It was at that moment they knew. God was calling them home.

This leads us to this moment of Five Stones Church. Thousands of years ago a shepherd boy defied the odds and faced down a giant oppressing God’s people. Using an unorthodox method he pulled five stones from a riverbed and with God’s help he took down the giant and set the people free.  Today giants like hopelessness, poverty, and despair can feel like they are holding people down. It can seem as though it’s impossible to break free to realize that with God all things are possible and even those who are far from Him can be set free! We want to help everyone discover what it’s like to become fully alive and living out the God-given purpose for their life the way He designed it to be.