Every Sunday this summer we have something planned for all ages at Five Stones and we want to invite you to enjoy it! This summer we are intentionally creating spaces and opportunities for you to build relationships and enjoy church in a fun way.

From "Cokes on the Lawn" and bounce houses for kids to a brand new teaching series called At the Movies you won't want to miss this Summer at Five Stones Church!

May 28th
Grill & Chill after service

June 4th
Kick-Off to At the Movies Series

June 11th
Jersey Day & Baseball Gear

June 18th
Father’s Day

June 25th
At the Movies

July 2nd
Bomb Pops & Ice Cream

July 9th
Kick-Off to Anti Heroes Series

July 16th
Anti Heroes with Pastor Derek Dale

July 23rd
Beach Day

July 30th
Yard Games & Bounce Houses