Find an Easter service time by planning a visit to either of our two services at 9:30 & 11AM.

Celebrate Easter with Five Stones Church!

Not sure where Five Stones is located?
Find out just how close Five Stones is to you!

You’ll experience a welcoming environment, powerful worship music, and a timely message from Pastor Tom Watson. You’ll also find a safe place to explore your faith and beliefs and connect with other people. Come as you are, and bring your family and friends with you!

Here’s what
you can expect.

Invite your friends and family to join you at an Easter service!

Experience Easter at

There’s something for every member of the family this Easter. Five Stones Kids is available for kids ages birth-5th grade during every Easter service!

Love Week 2024

We're stronger together when we walk in our purpose — and LOVE WEEK is a great way to start! Whether you're serving with your Small Group or with your whole team, it's all about community.